Monday, February 25, 2013

Wacky logic of the NFL - Manti Te'o edition

I think Peter King, columnist for Sports Illustrated pretty much sums up my sentiments exactly on the whole Manti Te'o hoaxing situation. At some point people in the NFL and many journalists need to step back and and get reacquainted with reality and see the stupidity of their logic.

"Of all the people here at the combine, the one person you don't want to be is him. Seriously, I'd rather have six positive drug tests, a DUI, a domestic abuse charge and some theft incidents than have to deal with all the questions that guy's going to face. He's going to be probed by most of the teams, and all of you guys, until his head is spinning.''
-- One NFC head coach on the scrutiny that awaits Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te'o after his phony girlfriend experience of last fall, according to Michael Silver of Yahoo! Sports.

Peter King -
So ... let me get this straight, Mr. NFC Head Coach. You think that a prospect who is addicted to cocaine, beats his girlfriend and steals cars would be less investigated and fine-tooth-combed by NFL scouts, coaches and private investigators than a player who was catfished by a stranger pretending to be a girlfriend, either with or without his knowledge?
There is so much wrong with this NFC head coach's opinion that I do not know where to start.

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