Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What was she thinking - Emma Watson

Oh Emma, I love you but what are you wearing. You are too petite too pull off the dress over pants look, especially with a dress this voluminous. It would be so chic with just the corsetted top of the dress with the pants and shoes.  You are too pretty to wear something like this.

Week 3 Recap - Will this replacement drama/insanity every end???

Week 3 Recap

Well the ref’s did not disappoint providing an entertaining show and bloopers reel this week. Just when you think they could not possibly get worse, they go and prove you wrong. Monday night’s closing play was a total joke. That was an interception and there was no simultaneous control of the ball. How the ref did not see Golden Tate shove the defender and called offensive pass interference, it was not a tiny push by any means it was a shove, is beyond me.  Pictures speak a thousand words and the picture of 1 ref signaling touchdown and the other next time signaling timeout (because it was a touchback due to the interception) is priceless. The only reason I can think that they decided to go with the touchdown call after reviewing and discussing the play is that they feared mass rioting from the Seattle fans if they overturned it. The ref’s also called defensive pass interference on another play in the same drive when it was clearly offensive pass interference. Are the replacement ref’s not aware there is such a thing as offensive pass interference??? All I have to say is I am hoping that Green Bay does not end up missing the playoffs by one game this season.

I could go on for hours on this whole replacement ref debacle but I will end it here and recap notable games of week 3.

Texans/Broncos – Peyton is still not looking quite like his old self. Seems to take him the whole 1st half to get in rhythm with is receivers. Texans are looking great this year with Schaub back and healthy. Joe May’s ended up being fined $50,000 and suspended 1 game for his hit on Schaub in this game. It was so brutal of a hit that Schaubs helmet flew off as did part of his ear lobe). Texans win this one and now are 1 of only 3 teams that are 3-0. Texans 31 – Broncos 25

Giants/Panther’s – I thought this was going to be a much closer game. Seems that Cam Newton is having a sophomore slump after his break season last year. I think one day he will be one of the best QB’s in the league but only once his leadership skills and maturity match his talent. Giants picked apart the Panther D and their 2 most productive offensive players’s, Ramses Barden (9 rec, 138 yds) and Andre Brown (20 car, 113 yds, 2 tds), are normally backups and only started because Hakeem Nicks and Ahmad Bradshaw were out injured.  Giants looked impressive considering they only had 4 days to prepare.  Giants 36 – Panthers 7

Jets/Dolphins – This game actually was horrible, Jets played far worse than the score would indicate. They should be very thankful the usually dependable kicker on the Dolphins Dan Carpenter missed his last 2 field goal attempts. I am still baffled by the Jets inability to find a way to use Tebow. He may not be the best QB, but he is a great athlete. Tebow did manage to convert for a first down on a run during a fake punt. They could at least let him attempt to throw the ball. Sanchez’s completion rate was 47% for the game, it’s worth a shot. Aside from the Jet’s Offense looking abysmal, their Defense was dealt a tough blow with the loss of Darrell Revis to a torn ACL. Being that the D is built around Revis it will be interesting to see what schemes they come up with to make up for his absence. Kyle Wilson will most likely be starting beside Cromartie and opposing offenses are going to target him big time. Should be interesting. For the Dolphins, Reggie Bush left the game early with a knee injury but should be back this week as there was no major damage. Jets 23 - Dolphins 20

Saints/Chiefs – Jamal Charles was phenomenal in this game, whoever had him as their fantasy RB is lucky. He rushed 33 times for 233 yards and 1 TD. Saints looked lackluster again. Going to be a rough season for them. Saints 24 – Chiefs 27

49ers/Vikings – Viking pulled off a surprise upset this week. Christian Ponder is really coming into his own this season, 21-35, 198 yards and 2 tds. Kyle Rudolph the TE from Notre Dame (Go Irish!) is becoming Ponders favorite target. Minnesota is also becoming Notre Dame West with Rudolph, Harrison Smith, John Carlson, John Sullivan and Robert Blanton. Minnesota’s D seemed to shut down the 49er’s offense. Not the game I expected. 49ers 13 – Vikings 24

Bengals/Redskins – Great matchup of 2 Texas college QB’s. Bengals edged the Redskins in this one. Dalton looked great throwing 19-27 for 328 yards and 3 TDs. Mohamed Sanu, WR, also threw a 73 yard TD pass to AJ Green. Apparently the Redskin’s were not familiar with his background at Rutgers. Redskins need to do something about the amount of hits RG III is taking before he gets injured. RG III had a decent day, threw for 21-34 for 221 yards and 1 td and rushed 12 carries for 85 yards and 1 td. He is a fantasy monster, wish I had him. Bengals 38 – Redskins 31

Eagles/Cardinals – Kevin Kolb and the Cardinals ran all over the Eagles Offense and Defense. Vick had no tds throwing or rushing, McCoy was held to 70 yards and 0 tds and their receivers were pretty much shutdown as well. At this point no matter what Reid says the Eagles have to be contemplating putting Nick Fowles in there if Vick keeps doing so horrible and taking way too many hits. Cardinals 27 – Eagles 6

Raiders/Steelers – Carson Palmer managed to pull it together this week throwing 24-34 for 209 yards and 3 tds. McFadden also had 18 carries for 113 yards and 1 td. Unfortunately for Big Ben his phenomenal game was not enough. He threw 36-49 for 384 yards and 4tds. Oakland pulls this off in the final seconds with Janikowkski kicking the game winning field goal. Raiders 34 – Steelers 31

Patriots/Ravens – Another fun filled replacement ref game. Torrey Smith was the real star of this game catching 6 passes for 127 yards and 2 tds less than 24 hours after the death of his brother whom he helped raise. Amazing young man put on an inspiring performance. Questionable call on the game winning field goal at the end giving the Ravens the win and sending Belichick to grab and try and confront on of the ref’s for an explanation. The grab cost Belichick $50,000. Always great to see the Patriot’s loose. Ravens 31 – Patriots 30

Last but not least,

Packers/Seahawks – Green Bay looked horrible in the first half. Their offensive line seemed incapable of stopping the Seahawks D on almost every play. Rodgers was sacked 8 times in the 1st half alone. Seahawk’s stunning first round pick Bruce Irvin ran all over Brian Bulaga and sacked Rodgers 2 times. Guess Carroll knew what he was doing when he drafted a projected 3rd rounder in the 1st round. Green Bay seemingly made the necessary adjustments at half time and came back out in the second half and managed to take the lead (despite some horrible calls against both teams) with 57 seconds left. Seahawks last drive pretty much had a horrible call on each play. The ref’s were really outdoing themselves. First the defensive pass interference on Sam Shields when clearly it was offensive pass interference. This horrible call helped move the ball down the field for the Seahawk’s. On the final play Russell Wilson (who put up a great showing for a Rookie, very impressive player to watch) threw up a hail mary into the endzone…… the rest we are all very familiar with. In the end Wilson was the first QB in my memory to throw an interception for a touchdown. Bravo, well done. In my mind and the minds of everyone but the NFL execs and the Seattle Seahawks, Green Bay won this game. On the books its, Packers 12 – Seahawks 14.

Apparently as I write this a deal may be close between the NFL and the NFLRA. Pretty Please let this be true because I do not know if I can handle another weekend of incompetency.

Till next time,


Monday, September 24, 2012

My Favorite Emmy Look - Ginnifer Goodwin

I always love someone with their own unique sense of style. Ginnifer Goodwin's look last night was not one that many others could pull off but I thought she rocked it. The color and detailing of the dress looked amazing on her and her makeup and hair were flawless as always. I could never wear my hair that short but I'm envious of someone that can wear it so well. Love the heavy eyeliner and nude lips. Her skin is amazing, I need to figure out what facial products and makeup she is using.

Monique Lhuillier dress, Christian Louboutin shoes, Rona Pfeiffer jewels, and a Ferragamo clutch.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Words for Thought

“I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” 
- Marilyn Monroe 

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” 
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”   
- William Shakespeare

“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.” 
- Hellen Keller

“I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.” 
- Audrey Hepburn

Friday, September 21, 2012

Look of the Day - Solange Knowles

I am kind of obsessed with her style. Love her ability to pair prints so well. Definitely will be purchasing a floral blazer for the Fall. The shoes are to die for.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Recap of Week 2

Recap of Week 2 in the NFL

Bear's/Packer's - Essentially a sack competition and a pretty poor offensive showing for both teams. In the end the Packer's pulled off the win. My favorite moment of the game was Donald Driver doing his little celebratory jig in the end zone after his TD. Bear’s 10 – Packer’s 23

Saint's/Panther's - Saints are 0-2, perhaps all of the offseason turmoil was too much. Bree's was 31-49, 325 yards and 1 TD passing, Newton was 14-20, 253 yards and 1 TD passing and was also the Panther's top rusher with 71 yards on 13 carries. Newton poses big challenges to D's with his speed and arm strength. Seems he was too much in the end for the Saint's D. Saint’s 27 – Panther’s 35

Giant's/Bucs - I was at this game and let me tell you, it was a horrible game for the first 3 quarter's and 8 minutes. Manning threw 3 Int's and blew numerous passes, Cruz was in heavy coverage all day, the score was actually a lot closer than it seemed going into the last 8 minutes. In the end, just like last year Manning pulled it off in the 4th quarter. Hakeem Nick’s ended the day as the Giant’s top receiver, 10-19 for 199 yards and 1 TD (all of this on a still banged up toe). Bradshaw left the game early with a neck injury and Andre Brown replaced him at RB. What a day for Brown after waiting patiently for his chance for years, 13 carries for 71 yards and his first TD. For the Buc’s Josh Freeman and Vincent Jackson are starting to build a great chemistry, expect big things to come from them. Also, for being one of the oldest CB’s in the NFL Ronde Barber is still on top of his game, he had great coverage on a lot plays causing Manning’s passes to go incomplete. Highlight of the game was Coughlin berating Schiano after the game because the Buc’s D went all out on the last play of the game when Manning was taking a knee ( after he told them he would be doing so). The O-line all got taken out at the knees and Manning ended up on his bum. Though it is not illegal, it is and has been an unspoken rule that when a team takes a knee on the final play, the game is over. Simple as that. Thanks to Victor Cruz for 23 fantasy points! Giant’s 41 – Buc’s 34

Jet’s/Steeler’s – After an impressive game 1 the Jet’s played horribly week 2 vs. the Steeler’s. Sanchez was 10-27, 138 yards and 1 TD vs. a depleted Steeler’s D. Big Ben pretty much doubled Sanchez offensively, 24-31 for 275 yards and 2 TD’s. The Jet’s D minus Revis, played like crap. So much for the wildcat, Tebow only play 3 plays in the game but did account for the longest run of the day for the Jet’s with 20 yards. Seems to me like perhaps they should have let him run it more since Sanchez seemed incapable of passing this game. Steeler’s took this one easily. Jet’s 10 – Steeler’s 27

Chief’s/Bill’s – Didn’t really watch or pay attention to this one. CJ Spiller had another great game with 15 carries for 123 yards and 2 TD’s. He’s finally beginning to look like a top RB as expected when he was drafted in the 1st round a few years ago. Chief’s 17 – Bill’s 35

Brown’s/Bengal’s – Both young, red headed QB’s had great days. Wheeden was 26-37 for 322 yards and 2 TD’s. Dalton was 24-31 for 318 yards and 3 TD’s. So much for red headed QB’s not being able to do well in the NFL ( Thanks T Rich for 25 fantasy points!! Bengals win this one. Brown’s 17 – Bengal’s 34

Viking’s/Colt’s – Both young QB’s in the game had decent day’s as well. Ponder 27-35 for 245 yards and 2 TD’s, Luck 20-31 for 224 yards and TD’s. This game came down to the final seconds with Vinatieri kicking a game winning field goal for the Colt’s. Viking’s 20 – Colt’s 23

Raider’s/Dolphin’s – Palmer perhaps should have stayed retired. Maybe it’s time for Leinart to come in and replace him. Tannehill is looking impressive thus far this season. Seems Miami was right after all to draft him in round 1.Reggis Bush (my fantasy RB with 31 points!) had quite the game for himself, 26 carries for 172 yards and 2 TD’s. Dolphin’s win this one with ease. Raider’s 13 – Dolphin’s 35

Cardinal’s/Patriots – I love seeing the Patriot’s loose. The fact that they lost to Kevin Kolb and the Cardinal’s is awesome. Who would have picked the Cardinal’s to start off 2-0. Game came down to a missed field goal for the Patriot’s by Gostkowski (my fantasy kicker, I will forgive him as he had 16 points). Cardinal’s 20 – Patriot’s 18

Raven’s/Eagles – This was a feisty matchup, lots of fighting. Both D’s looked great. DeMecco Ryan’s was a great pickup for the Eagles in the offseason, his late interception was a key point in the game. Vick is still holding on to the ball too long, taking too many hits and trying to force too many big plays. Hopefully he learns his lesson soon before his body makes a decision for him. Flacco looked good in the game but regressed a little after last week’s stellar performance. Eagle’s pull off another last minute 1 point win. Raven’s 23 – Eagle’s 24

Texan’s/Jaguar’s – Jaguar’s need to bench Gabbert. He entered the draft way too early and got drafted much higher than he should have been. He had an abysmal game, 7-19 for 53 yards and 1 TD. He had a QBR of 9.6. Schaub was 26-35 for 195 yards and 1 TD, basically he tripled Gabbert’s production. Texan’s take the win. Texan’s 27 – Jaguar’s 7

Redskin’s/Ram’s – RG III had a great game, 20-29 for 209 yards. He threw for 1 TD and rushed for 2 more. Bradford seems to finally be healthy again and his production shows it, 26-35 for 310 yards and 3 TD’s. Ram’s top RB, Steven Jackson left the game injured. Very close game till the end, but the Ram’s edge the Redskin’s. Redskin’s 28 – Ram’s 31

Cowboy’s/Seahawk’s – The Seahawk’s beat up the Cowgirl’s in this game. Their D proved too much for Romo and his offense. Russell Wilson had another decent showing in his second game. It will be interesting to see which Cowboy’s team is the real deal, the one that showed up against the Giant’s or the one that showed up against the Seahawk’s. Cowboy’s 7 - Seahawk’s 27

Titans/Charger’s – Jake Locker is going to need to step it up if he wants to keep his starting job. Titans are also going to have to find their running game because Locker was the top rusher with a meek 21 yards. Chris Johnson got his big contract, time for him to put up the big numbers. Rivers played well as usual, 24-32 for 284 yards and 3 TD’s. Charger’s dominated this one. Titan’s 10 -  Charger’s 38

Lion’s/49er’s – Let me start by saying I drafted Stafford as my number 1 pick in fantasy football this year based off last year’s stellar performance. I am beginning to regret it. I am thinking of benching him in favor of Smith because he is looking like the better QB this year. Thoughts? Stafford played like crap the first half. His chemistry with Megatron seems to be off this year. Granted they were playing the San Fran D, but the Lion’s offense was subpar most of the game. Alex Smith is finally playing consistently like a top QB and #1 draft pick. TE Vernon Davis also had a great showing, 5 receptions for 73 yards and 2 TD’s. Also of note, Schwartz and Harbaugh managed to act like grown men this time around and no one had to be restrained from throwing punches.


Bronco’s/Falcon’s – I and many others may have jumped the gone by saying Manning was back to his old self. He and most of the Bronco offense were atrocious the first half. Peyton threw 3 INT’s in the first quarter. His stats look better than he played, 24-37 for 241 yards and 1 TD. Maybe it was the indoor crowd noise, but the timing between him and his receiver’s was way off. McGahee put on a strong showing for the running game, 22 carries for 113 yards and 2 TD’s. He and Demaryus Thomas (also my fantasy WR with 13 points!), 8 receptions for 78 yards and 1 TD, were the only high points of the night for the Bronco’s They staged a late game comeback, but it was too little too later. Matty “Ice” Ryan dominated in the game, 24-36 for 219 yards and 2 TD’s. The Falcon’s failed to capitalize as much as they could have on many of the early turnover’s, settling for field goals instead of TD’s. All in all this game did not turn out to be the aerial thriller I thought it would be. Bronco’s 21 – Falcon’s 27

I would just like to mention my team OH MY TEBOW won in my fantasy football league this week, 138-82. I would like to that Trent Richardson (25pts), Reggis Bush (31pts) and Victor Cruz (23pts) for the efforts this week. Couldn’t have won without them!!

Till next time


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Welcome to Week 2

First game of week 2, Green Bay vs. Chicago, was more of a sack contest than a game . It was a battle of Clay Matthew's vs. Julius Peppers, with 3 and 2 sacks respectively. That makes 6 sacks for Matthew's in 2 games. Guys is a beast. I did not think either offense looked good at all. Cutler is going to have a long season ahead of him running for his life unless Chicago finds a way to address their horrible O-Line (which is a continuing theme from last season). Aaron Rodgers did not look too bad, it seemed all of his receiver's had butterfinger's and nobody was catching anything. In the end GB pulled off the win.. So far they are not looking that impressive this season.

Great match up's in week 2,

Jet's/Steeler's - Both teams have pretty great Defense's but the Jet's will be without their dominant CB Darrell Revis and the Steeler's will most likely be without star LB James Harrison and maybe Safety Troy Polamalu. It will be interesting to see how this will effect the game. I give the QB edge to the Steeler's, as much as I hate Big Ben as a person, he is one heck of a QB. He is nearly impossible to bring down and has a great ability for extending plays. If the Sanchez of last week shows up the Jet;s have a great shot. Interesting point,  the Jet's were using Tebow to mimic Big Ben in practice this week. They are similar in size and both mobile QB's that are hard to bring down. I personally hope Tebow gets a few snaps in this game. I would love to see him burn the Steeler's like he did in the playoffs last year while on the Bronco's. Shortest OT ever! I hope the Jet's win, but I think the Steeler's may take the win.

Giant's/Buc's - For the first time in a very long time the Giants may not have any of their major players out due to injury. DT tackle may be playing in his first NFL regular season game and first football game in almost 3 years after being on IR last season with torn pecs and being suspended his senior season along with 13 other North Carolina players for receiving improper benefits. Giant's still have a banged up secondary and their O-line is a bit questionable at times. Buc's are under new head coach Greg Schiano, who is making a homecoming of sorts as he was the Rutger's head coach for years. Former Rutger's player Eric LeGrand, who was paralyzed about 2 years ago in a game, will be taking part in the coin toss. I always love seeing this kid. He is such an inspiration, always has such a positive outlook and great attitude towards life. Lot's of new faces on this young TB team. Keep an eye on first round pick, RB Doug Martin. I have the Giant's winning this one.

Bronco's/Falcon's - Well if week 1 was any indication, the old Peyton Manning is back. It is unbelievable the guy was out a whole season, he looked phenomenal last week. This should be a great match up. WR's and QB's will be the star of this game. Eric Decker and Demaryous Thomas for the Bronco's and Julio Jones and Roddy White for the Falcon's. Manning vs. Matt Ryan. I give the advantage to the Bronco's, but if Matty Ice shows up and Julio Jones puts on another show, all bets are off. This game will be a must see on TV Monday night.

Lion's/49er's - Last season when these 2 met the head coaches almost came to blows on the field. Here's hoping they keep their emotion's in check this time around. Great QB's on both teams, but I give the advantage to Lion's on this front. Stafford and Megatron are quite the dynamic duo. To me this game will be a battle of Defense's. San Fran has one of the most dominant D's in the NFL with LB's Patrick Willis and NaVorro Bowman and Detroit may have one of the nastiest (in a good way). Ndamukong Suh is someone I would never want to meet in a dark alley. This will be a fun one to watch. I give a slight edge to the 49er's in this one.

I am sure I left out some other good match up's but these are the games I will be watching for.

Till next time.


Thursday, September 13, 2012

What was he thinking - Tyson Chandler

Who is his stylist? He needs to fire her ASAP. What in the world is he wearing? He looks like he is trying way too hard to be stylish and is failing horribly at it. It's all wrong from the shorts to the cowl neck sweater to the horrible hat to the tight t-shirt. The boots I would not mind with another outfit.

His wife on the other hand, I like her outfit. Great dress, shoes and bag.

Look of the Day - Kate looking perfect as always

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Week 1 is in the books

Week 1 of NFL football has come and gone and what a weekend it was.

RG III – If week 1 was any indication RG III is going to be one of the star QB’s for years to come. He was 19 of 26 for 320 yards and 2 TD’s and did so while making it look so easy vs. New Orleans. He had great command of the offense.  RG III was the only 1 of the 5 rookie QB’s to win in week 1.

Rest of the rookie QB’s – Luck looked better than the rest, but they all looked like rookies. I am sure this will change in the weeks to come as they get more real game time experience.

New Orleans – It was only week 1 but New Orleans definitely did not look as good as they have in recent seasons. Not sure how much of that is a result of Payton being out for the season, all the turmoil of late or they just have a few kinks to work out. I guess in the weeks to come we will see how it all pans out.

Jets Wildcat – If that was the vaunted Wildcat the Jets were hiding all preseason I have to laugh. Tebow did not do much of anything but he wasn’t really asked to either. That was the most generic, predictable Wildcat. I expected more of Sparano. I am hoping they get a bit more creative in weeks to come. As much as I love Tebow I have to say I found the switching up of Sanchez and Tebow during the game a bit distracting. They pulled Sanchez for Tebow at the oddest times, while the team had great momentum going on a drives, when it seemed best to keep Sanchez in. I was really anticipating them using Tebow to drive the ball in once they got to the red zone. Who knows, the coaches know better than me. Maybe week 1 was just a tiny glimpse of things to come. Overall, they looked pretty good especially considering they only scored 1 TD in preseason and that was thrown by Greg McElroy, third string QB.

Ravens – GO BLUE HEN’S! Joe Flacco looked the best he ever has. Raven’s new QB coach Jim Caldwell definitely has helped polish Flacco and the new no huddle offense really suited him. Ray Rice looked phenomenal as usual, so mad I did not get him in my fantasy draft. Ed Reed had another interception returned for a TD and now holds the record for all-time interception return yards with 1,497 yards. As usual their D looked fierce, does Ray Lewis ever lose a step? I mean the man is 36! Baltimore is definitely looking like one of the teams to beat this year.

Patriots/Tom Brady – They looked good week 1, like the Patriots we have come to know over the years. Enough said.

GB/San Fran – Have to say I was a bit shocked how this game went down. I knew it would be close, but I really thought GB would pull it off. Rogers looked good, but not like the MVP of last season. Harbaugh has done 1 heck of turning this team around in not even 2 seasons. I still think we will see both teams in the playoffs.

Mike Vick – What the heck happened? 4 horrible interceptions, not sure what the heck was going on in his head, but he needs to get it together. He is looking rushed and taking way too many hits. Maybe we will be seeing Nick Foles sooner than thought.

Till next time


Words for Thought

More of my favorite quotes

Yves Saint Laurent
Fashions fade, style is eternal.

Coco Chanel
I don't do fashion, I am fashion.

Mark Twain
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Joe Kapp
They say football is America's greatest game, but it's not. The greatest game in America is called opportunity. Football is merely a great expression of it.

All that we are is the result of what we have thought.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Things I will be watching for this Sunday

After looking at the college football schedule for the weekend, not too many exciting games. USC V Syracuse and Notre Dame V Purdue will probably be the only 2 I am watching. Hopefully ND will have another strong game after last week's impressive showing againt Navy in Dublin. As for USC, I will be watching to see if Ken Doll, I mean Matt Barkley, will be making a strong run for the Heisman as he is predicted by many to win this year.

As for NFL, below is what is will be watching for.

1. NFL Replacement Ref's. Here is hoping the ref's do much better this Sunday than they did in the last preseason games or in the season opener. Too many missed calls, too much time reviewing calls, inability to explain what penalty was called and on who...ughhh. Praying the regular ref's are back soon. It has been too painful watching these bumbling fools trying to fill in.

2. Five rookie QB's starting for the first time ever week 1 in NFL History. Old school of thought used to me it took a rookie QB 2-3 years to be ready to start, after the success of Ryan, Flacco and more recently Cam Newton and Andy Dalton it seems more coaches are taking their chances and starting their rookies. Andrew Luck, RGI III, Brandon Wheedon, Russell Wilson and Ryan Tannehill will all be starting for their respective teams Sunday. I think everyone knew even before the draft Luck and RG III would start for whomever drafted them, and maybe 28 year old rookie Wheedon (unsuccessful career as a pitcher for the Yankee's in the minors), but Wilson and Tannehill are somewhat surprising. I personally can't wait to see RGI III start. He is such fun to watch play, he just makes things happen out there anyway he can. A bit Tebow'esque but with a better arm and smaller frame. Don't get me wrong, I think Luck will be great too, I just think RG III has a lot more upside and a more well-rounded surrounding cast. It will fun to see how things pan out for all the rookies this year.

3. Tim Tebow. Sorry, I had to include him. Everyone who knows me knows I love all things Tim Tebow and have since his freshman year at Florida. He is one of the all time best college football players and with the right coach I think he can be a great NFL QB. To me he is electrifying to watch on the field and has such a magnetic and at times polarizing personality off the field. Just let him do what he does best and stop trying to convert him to a "traditional" QB. Sorry Sanchez, I know by most standards you are a better QB, but you seem to make horrible mistakes under pressure and can never recover from them. If your coaches and GM were so confident you were the QB for years to come I highly doubt they would have gone out and got Tebow. Tebow is Sparano's dream type of player. Yes he is horrible during practice, but he has always thrived in game time situations and under pressure. My prediction is by week 5 or 6 Tebow will be the starting QB. I just envision Sanchez throwing too many interceptions or having too many turnovers and the crowd starting to chant "TEBOW TEBOW". I would love Sanchez to prove me wrong and not crumble under the pressure but I do not see that happening. As Rob Riggle said at the ESPY'S, "Hey Sanchez, good luck with that".

4. Peyton Manning. Starting for a new team for the first time since 1998 after being out all last season. No doubting he is one of the best if not smartest QB's of all time. Question is how will his body hold up after getting hit all the time. He has some familiar faces from Indy with him in Denver and some decent receivers in Dekker and Thomas. For the sake of good football I hope he has a great season. At his best he can make picking apart a Defense so much fun to watch.

5.New Orleans. Bounty Gate has wreaked havoc on the Saints. The Head Coach is suspended for a season, their GM is suspended, their interim Head Coach is suspended 6 games, their starting LB Jon Vilma is as of now suspended all season. Thank goodness they signed Bree's to a new long term contract. They needed some sort of stability going into this season. Will be interesting to see how well the team does without their offensive guru, Head Coach Sean Payton. Last season Bree's broke the passing record held by Dan Marino since 1984 by throwing for 5,476 yards in a single season. Will he be able to put up those kind of numbers again. I know I will be rooting for him.

6. Player injuries. Maybe I was not really paying attention in previous seasons, but the last 2 years have been filled with torn ACL/MCL'S, ruptured Achilles, torn pec’s, hammy issues. Not sure what the sudden increase is due to, would love to hear people's opinions on the matter. Also, in recent years the league has made an attempt to cut down on the incidence of head injuries and concussions by imposing stiffer penalties and fines. Not sure if it is really working, but always better to err on the side of caution. I'm hoping this season there are a lot less injuries of all kinds. It's always so heartbreaking to watch a player carted off the field.

This blog is still a work in progress and I will try to update as often as possible. Suggestions and comments are welcome.

Till next time,


Words for Thought

Great quotes from two of my all time favorite people

"Great clothes open all doors" Coco Chanel

"Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." Lou Holtz

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Here goes nothing...

Well after much encouragement from friends and family, I have taken to writing a blog about football and fashion. Let's be honest, those who know me know that is all I talk about anyway. If I could find a way to combine both and do that for a living, like styling athletes, that would be amazing.

I like to call this time of year my happy season. I am in football heaven. Between college football and the NFL I can pretty much watch football any day of the week. One would imagine I would tire of hearing about and watching football all the time but that has yet to happen. Fashion week has also just begun in NYC so I am overwhelmed with happiness as I type this.

Hopefully this blog will be an outlet for me to voice my opinions and thoughts on football, fashion life in the city. I'll be honest, it will probably be mostly football, but I will try to share some athletes whose style I adore and items I am dying to add to my ever expanding wardrobe.

I am open to any suggestions or requests on posts.

First real post will hopefully be up shortly.

