Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Week 1 is in the books

Week 1 of NFL football has come and gone and what a weekend it was.

RG III – If week 1 was any indication RG III is going to be one of the star QB’s for years to come. He was 19 of 26 for 320 yards and 2 TD’s and did so while making it look so easy vs. New Orleans. He had great command of the offense.  RG III was the only 1 of the 5 rookie QB’s to win in week 1.

Rest of the rookie QB’s – Luck looked better than the rest, but they all looked like rookies. I am sure this will change in the weeks to come as they get more real game time experience.

New Orleans – It was only week 1 but New Orleans definitely did not look as good as they have in recent seasons. Not sure how much of that is a result of Payton being out for the season, all the turmoil of late or they just have a few kinks to work out. I guess in the weeks to come we will see how it all pans out.

Jets Wildcat – If that was the vaunted Wildcat the Jets were hiding all preseason I have to laugh. Tebow did not do much of anything but he wasn’t really asked to either. That was the most generic, predictable Wildcat. I expected more of Sparano. I am hoping they get a bit more creative in weeks to come. As much as I love Tebow I have to say I found the switching up of Sanchez and Tebow during the game a bit distracting. They pulled Sanchez for Tebow at the oddest times, while the team had great momentum going on a drives, when it seemed best to keep Sanchez in. I was really anticipating them using Tebow to drive the ball in once they got to the red zone. Who knows, the coaches know better than me. Maybe week 1 was just a tiny glimpse of things to come. Overall, they looked pretty good especially considering they only scored 1 TD in preseason and that was thrown by Greg McElroy, third string QB.

Ravens – GO BLUE HEN’S! Joe Flacco looked the best he ever has. Raven’s new QB coach Jim Caldwell definitely has helped polish Flacco and the new no huddle offense really suited him. Ray Rice looked phenomenal as usual, so mad I did not get him in my fantasy draft. Ed Reed had another interception returned for a TD and now holds the record for all-time interception return yards with 1,497 yards. As usual their D looked fierce, does Ray Lewis ever lose a step? I mean the man is 36! Baltimore is definitely looking like one of the teams to beat this year.

Patriots/Tom Brady – They looked good week 1, like the Patriots we have come to know over the years. Enough said.

GB/San Fran – Have to say I was a bit shocked how this game went down. I knew it would be close, but I really thought GB would pull it off. Rogers looked good, but not like the MVP of last season. Harbaugh has done 1 heck of turning this team around in not even 2 seasons. I still think we will see both teams in the playoffs.

Mike Vick – What the heck happened? 4 horrible interceptions, not sure what the heck was going on in his head, but he needs to get it together. He is looking rushed and taking way too many hits. Maybe we will be seeing Nick Foles sooner than thought.

Till next time


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