From the day we are born society conditions us to believe we fit into 2 gender roles. Boys are into all things blue, sporty, rough and tough, brainy and to be assertive. Girls are all into all things pink, delicate and fluffy and honestly taught to be reserved and hide your true intelligence (god forbid a guy not like you because your intelligence may make him feel inferior). We are conditioned by our parents, TV, books and society often subconsciously from the day we are born. Thankfully for me I had parents who instilled in me it was ok to be myself and being "different" was a good thing, not a bad thing. I grew up thinking all girls loved football and sports as much as me (obviously I have come to learn this is very far from the truth), that it was ok to scream out in class like the boys to get my voice heard, that intelligence is a good thing, and should be embraced, not hidden. They encouraged me in any and all interests. I can never thank you enough for this mom and dad.
Thankfully 30 years later society seem to be embracing individuality a bit more and realizing not everyone fits into these gender roles. Not every girl is obsessed with pink, not every boy loves sports and so on and so on. If we were all exactly alike and had the same interests the world would be a very boring place. You cannot fit everyone into two rigidly defined gender roles. Honestly some of my favorite toys growing up were my Hot Wheels and WWF action figures. My mom and dad were cool enough to supply my love of them and not tell me it was weird that I liked them.
I saw the above ad for GoldieBlox on twitter today and thought to myself....FINALLY! A toy for girls not into dainty pink things and dolls. A toy that encourages you to use your brains. A toy a girl like me would have loved as a kid.
GoldieBlox is a toy company founded by Debbie Sterling, a Stanford engineer who's not impressed with the current offerings in the girl's toy aisle. So she decided to do something about it.
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