Sunday, December 30, 2012

Week 17 - All good things must come to an end

Well Week 17 of the NFL season sadly here. Always a sad time of the year for me because once bowl season is over and the Superbowl is over I will be in football with drawl for a few months. It's never an easy time for me.

Some random musings and thoughts going into today's games -

Go RGIII!!  - I am rooting for RGIII to make a joke of the Dallas Cowgirls because the Giants need a Cowboys loss among other a few other things to have a chance to make it to the playoffs. If the Giants do not make it, I actually will not be that sad and will have no trouble rooting for RGIII and the Redskins in post-season play. The Giants have played like crap lately and the Redskins were my favorite team growing up

The Jets Circus - I have a feeling the Jets will be providing a very entertaining off season for us this year. Do Rex, Sparano and Tannenbaum get fired. Does Rex stay and the other 2 go? I feel like Tannenbaum is definitely out as the GM, maybe the will keep him in another capacity. Sparano was clearly the wrong choice as OC, the offense has never looked more confused or lifeless. Guess Schotty was not doing that bad of a job after all. Not sure if Rex goes because there are really not that many viable coaching options out there and who would want to take on the task of cleaning up the mess that is the Jets? I am guessing Sanchez will be back because who would want to trade for him and his big contract and the Jets do not really have the luxury of taking the large salary cap hit if they let him go. Thank God Tebow will be getting out of NY, he would be better off anywhere but with the Jets. Will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

Eagles - Reid is 99.9% out of there. Many believe he will end up in San Diego next year. Sad to see how this year panned out for him with all the great things he did while in Philly and the death of his son earlier this year. But, perhaps a fresh start is what he needs. Vick will also most likely be on his way out especially if it's true he does not want to restructure his large contract. I really don't think it's fair to place all the blame on him though, not sure anyone could perform effectively behind that porous O-Line. Hopefully that is the first thing the Eagles address this off season.

Lack of QB options - So many teams are in a dire QB situation, KC, Arizona, Jets, Bills, Eagles and Jacksonville. The problem is there are no really sure thing QB's in the draft this year, Barkley is good but not great and I don't think it helps him that his USC predecessors have not panned out that well in the NFL (Palmer, Leinart and Sanchez). Geno Smith is ok, maybe a decent backup at best. The only other decent QB's to trade for or sign in free agency will be maybe Alex Smith, unproven Matt Flynn, maybe Mike Vick, maybe Mark Sanchez, solid veteran Matt Moore and maybe David Garrard.

Tebow - Karma really is a bitch and I can't wait to see it rear it's ugly head on Rex and his cirlce of idiots at the Jets for completely tanking Tebow's career. I find it really interesting that Tebow, Rex and Sparano all have the same agent. Some sold Tebow a bunch of lies to get him to chose NYC of Jacksonville. I wonder come next season if they all have the same agent.

Chip Kelly - Stories have the amazingly talented offensive genius coach of Oregon landing in either Philly or Cleveland. If that is true my bet is on Philly, who in their right mind would chose Cleveland over Philly if given the choice.

Should be a fun weekend of football. Sorry for the short update but I have to head out to watch the Giants game.

Till next time,


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Words for Thought - Henry David Thoreau

Some inspiring quotes from a favorite of mine. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

“I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” 

“What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lives within us.” 

“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away.” 

“Be yourself- not your idea of what you think somebody else's idea of yourself should be.” 

“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this.” 

“Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.”
“We must walk consciously only part way toward our goal and then leap in the dark to our success.”  
“There is no remedy for love, but to love some more”
“Public opinion is a weak tyrant compared with our own private opinion. what a man thinks of himself, that it is which determines, or rather indicates, his fate.” 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Crush of the Week - Jon Kitna

This week my crush is Jon Kitna, former QB for Seattle, Detroit, Cincinnati and Dallas. Perhaps crush is not the right word for this blog post as he is married and 40, but I have much respect and admiration for how he has chosen to live his life post-NFL. 

After the 2011 season in Dallas as the backup QB, Kitna walked away from the NFL to go home and teach math and be the head football coach at his old high school in a very impoverished area of Tacoma, WA. Kitna specifically asked the principal and other math teachers for the worst students, kids who were failing or constantly getting in trouble. Much to everyone at the school's surprise the students started behaving and excelling in their classes. This was all the result of Kitna instilling confidence and self-respect in his students and players. Kitna has also donated a large sum of money to redo the school's weight room, got former teammates and teams to donate money for equipment and uniforms.

Well done Jon Kitna, here’s to you for helping make the future brighter for your students and players.‘gold-mine’-at-a-school-where-other-teachers-only-saw-problems-194739063.html

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Words for Thought

Just a few quotes I have come across this week that put a smile on my face.

I'd rather regret the things that I have done than the things that I have not done.
 - Lucille Ball

You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.
- Michael Jordan

With every rising of the sun, think of your life as just begun.
- Unknown

Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life.
- Golda Meir

Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.
- Lou Holtz

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
- James Dean

If you're bored with life, if you don't get up every morning with a burning desire to do things - you don't have enough goals.
- Lou Holtz

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Monday, December 17, 2012

Sandy Hook Elementary School

It's been a few days and I am still having trouble coming to terms with what happened in Newton, CT on Friday morning. Living in today's society I feel as is I have come to be somewhat desensitized to the horrible things that seemingly happen everyday in our world. Perhaps it's my coping mechanism that allows me to go on with my everyday life. These past few months and years have been filled with all sorts of horrible atrocities but none of these things have affected me in the way the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School have. Perhaps it's because so many of my friends have kids now or that I hope to someday as well. Whatever the reason I am in complete disbelief and can not really comprehend how someone, no matter how sick or twisted, could look in the eyes of a 5 year old and shoot 20 of them without hesitation. These past few days, every time I see a small child laughing and playing with their families I find myself fighting to hold back tears and thinking about how 20 families will be without their children, brothers and sisters these holidays. I also mourn the teachers and adults who also lost their lives on Friday, hearing the stories of their bravery gives me hope for humanity.  Things like this really make me realize just how precious life, family and friends are.

I am not going to sit here and debate gun control laws. I know the 2nd amendment grants the right to bear arms. I just do not think that when the amendment was written they were referring to automatic assault riffles that allow you to possibly kill hundreds in mere minutes. I also have a hard time understanding why anyone outside of the militia or perhaps law enforcement need them. The sad fact is that Friday's incident was not just about gun control, it's also about the sad state of the mental health systems in place in our country. People are often not able to get the help they need because of the cost of treatment or medicine, and often people are not forced to get the help they need because it's almost impossible to commit someone. I think as a country we need to set aside our differences, especially in DC, and work together to somehow find a way to make this country a better, safer place not only for ourselves but for our children and their children someday. How many of these atrocities have to happen before things change.

I have been so out of it I have not even really been able to watch football, go on twitter or really even write much on this blog. It all seems so trivial and petty. I never imagined a day where I would say I was not in the mood to watch football.

I did manage to come across this gem from the opening of SNL last weekend. It really is a perfect and poignant tribute to everyone who lost their life much too soon in Newton. Silent Night sung by the amazing New York City Children's Choir.


Friday, December 14, 2012

What was she thinking? - Kristen Stewart

Up until last night Kristen Stewart has been rocking it on the red carpet as of late. However, for some reason she chose to wear this horrible ensemble to the NYC premiere of On The Road last night. She is wearing a satin blue crop top-high waist short with a bright embellished sheer overlay by Erdem. Kristen is a very beautiful and thin young woman but this outfit make her look a bit pregnant and reminds me of something I would have purchased at Contempo Casuals in high school. The icy blue color of the satin short is doing nothing for her pale skin color. I usually am a sucker for Louboutin heels but am not a fan of this neon stiletto's. Perhaps if they were paired with a summer or spring outfit in the correct season I would feel differently. This look is just too sweet and prissy for KStew, I prefer her in the edgy pieces she usually rocks.

I really prefer the way this looked on the runway model. Sometimes looks are better left on the runway.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

And the Jets circus continues...

Welcome back to the fun Braylon Edward's, perhaps you and the Jets are a match made in heaven after all.

December 4, 2012

Just last week Braylon was waxing poetic on Twitter about how management and the coaches were to blame for the Jets problems, not Mark Sanchez.

Braylon Edwards@OfficialBraylon
Don't blame Sanchez. I played there. Blame the idiots calling shots. Mark is a beast and will probe it when given a proper chance
Later that day Braylon seemed to realize that perhaps that was a sentiment he should have kept to himself and not shared with the whole Twitterverse (especially since in the NFL one never knows if you may end working for one of those idiots again).
Braylon Edwards@OfficialBraylon
I would like to apologize to the Jets family and my fans for my emotional outburst. Mark is a friend and former teammate, who I...
Braylon Edwards@OfficialBraylon
...wholeheartedly support. Nonetheless, I have disrespected and insulted an administration that I have the utmost respect for.
As luck would have it for Braylon later that same day the Seattle Seahawks released him. They claim the  release wasn't connected to his twitter rant.  He was waived with an injury distinction (but no specific injury was cited. It's been speculated that it was knee injury). Braylon seemed to take it all in stride.
Braylon Edwards@OfficialBraylon
Business is business. My knee is great, im in tip top shape, make plays everyday in practice, ready to make them on someones field. Progress
Braylon Edwards@OfficialBraylon
I love the seahawks and 12th man, couldve retired here, but life happens...u gotta roll with it. Now time for GOD's next challenge for me..
Braylon Edwards@OfficialBraylon
In Life you can only control what you can control. Im working out, staying ready, everything in my control. Yall have a blessed day!
December 11, 2012
Flash forward to today and Braylon has come back full circle to those idiots at the Jets.
It feels great to be going home. Thanks to all of jet nation that continuously supported me and pushed for me. I'm back and it's go time

Monday, December 10, 2012

Look of the Day - Houston Texans Letterman Jackets

This is a brilliant idea. I can not believe it took so long for someone in the NFL to come up with this. Houston Texans nose tackle Shaun Cody and teammate LB Connor Barwin are the genius's behind this. Every member of the team will be sporting these tonight en route to their game vs the Patriots and will wear them the rest of the season. Every jacket has their number and position and they will continue to add patches for any future division titles and conference and Super Bowl championships.

I love the look and idea of it all, it's a great team unifier. Brilliant gentlemen! I am sure these will be available for purchase by fans as well shortly.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Look of the Day - Camilla Belle aka Tim Tebow's GF

I should hate her since she stole my future husband Tim Tebow.....just kidding, I am trying to curb my cougar ways nowadays. Camilla wore this amazing Ferragamo sequined minidress and pale wool coat to the opening of the Ferragamo flagship store in London last night. She is styled immaculately. Great frame clutch, neutral makeup with a bright lip, minimal jewelery and I love that she pulled hair her back to keep the focus on the incredible dress. I am a sucker for sequins so I just adore her look.

Life must be really hard when you are this beautiful and have Tim as you beau (please note the sarcasm here). Well done Camilla you look amazing.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Crush of The Week - Andre Johnson

Andre Johnson is a wide receiver for the Houston Texans and one of the best in the NFL. He has a reputation for being a really nice guy and this just solidifies it. Andre went to Toys R Us and spent over $19,000 on toys for kids in custody of the Texas Child Protective Services. Thanks to him some well deserving kids will be having a very merry Christmas. Well done Andre.


Found an even more indept article:

Here's an NFL story designed to warm your heart and terrify your wallet. Texans wide receiver Andre Johnson, one of the league's unquestioned good guys, on Tuesday performed what's becoming an annual ritual for him: a Toys R' Us shopping spree for at-risk youth in Houston.

Johnson's Foundation, the Andre Johnson Charitable Foundation, funded the spree, in which 12 children selected by Child Protective Services had 80 seconds to fill up their carts with as many toys as they could. And oh, could they fill those carts.

"You hear a minute and twenty seconds, and you don't think that's a long time, but you'd be surprised by what these kids can put into their buckets," Johnson said afterward. You can see his gargantuan receipt in the photo at right.

The children, ranging in ages from 8 to 16, have all suffered parental abuse in some form and now live with extended family members. But each child made sure to purchase toys for siblings and other relatives as well.

Johnson's foundation performs several works throughout the year for children in both Houston and Johnson's Miami hometown. But he told the team's website that it's the Toys R' Us event that he enjoys the most.

"I think it's probably the best one because you get to see the kids really enjoy it," he said. "That's what this season is about. It's something I look forward to. The kids are happy, they get what they want for Christmas, and that's all that matters."

After the spree, Johnson also joined the Houston Police Department's Blue Santa program to surprise 800 students at Houston's Bastian Elementary School with Christmas presents.

Johnson stressed that he had traveled the path many of these kids were on, and he hoped they could learn from his example: "I grew up in a single-parent home and I was fortunate to achieve my goals," he said. "So, whatever goals you have, just keep them out in front of you, don't let anybody distract you away from them, because there will be distractions that try to detour you away from your goals. That's the biggest thing."

Read more at ONTD:

Monday, December 3, 2012

Things that make me laugh - Cam Newton Play60 commercial

This commercial has been all over TV lately and every time I see it I have to laugh. The little kid is adorable and the look on his face and delivery of the line at the end when he says "I'm just warming my arm up" is priceless.