Thursday, December 20, 2012

Crush of the Week - Jon Kitna

This week my crush is Jon Kitna, former QB for Seattle, Detroit, Cincinnati and Dallas. Perhaps crush is not the right word for this blog post as he is married and 40, but I have much respect and admiration for how he has chosen to live his life post-NFL. 

After the 2011 season in Dallas as the backup QB, Kitna walked away from the NFL to go home and teach math and be the head football coach at his old high school in a very impoverished area of Tacoma, WA. Kitna specifically asked the principal and other math teachers for the worst students, kids who were failing or constantly getting in trouble. Much to everyone at the school's surprise the students started behaving and excelling in their classes. This was all the result of Kitna instilling confidence and self-respect in his students and players. Kitna has also donated a large sum of money to redo the school's weight room, got former teammates and teams to donate money for equipment and uniforms.

Well done Jon Kitna, here’s to you for helping make the future brighter for your students and players.‘gold-mine’-at-a-school-where-other-teachers-only-saw-problems-194739063.html

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